Board Committees
The following are the Committees of the Board viz., Audit Committee, Nomination & Remuneration Committee, Stakeholders Relationship Committee, Risk Management Committee and Corporate Social Responsibility Committee. Each Committee has specific scope and responsibilities.
The role and composition of the Board Committees is as under:
Audit Committee
The role of Audit Committee, in brief, is to review financial statements, internal controls, accounting policies, internal audit reports, related party transactions, risk management systems and functioning of the Whistle blower mechanism.
Name of Member | Category |
Mr. L Ramkumar, Chiarperson | Independent Director |
Mr. A Venkataramani, Member | Independent Director |
Ms. Soundara Kumar, Member | Independent Director |
Mr. S K Sundararaman, Member | Independent Director |
Nomination and Remuneration Committee
The role of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee includes
(a) identify/recommend to the Board person qualified to become Directors and for appointment in senior management
(b) formulate criteria for evaluation of Independent Directors and the Board
(c) devise Board diversity policy and
(d) formulate criteria relating to Directors and recommend remuneration policy relating to Directors, key managerial personnel and other employees.
Name of Member | Category |
Ms. Soundara Kumar, Chairperson | Independent Director |
Mr. M A M Arunachalam, Member | Non-Independent Director |
Mr. A Venkataramani, Member | Independent Director |
Stakeholders Relationship Committee
The Stakeholders Relationship Committee specifically focuses on investor service levels. The terms of reference of the Committee include the resolving of grievances of security holders of the Company including complaints, if any, relating to transfer of shares, non-receipt of balance sheet and non-receipt of declared dividends etc.
Name of Member | Category |
Mr. S K Sundararaman, Chairperson | Independent Director |
Mr. Arun Venkatachalam, Member | Non-Independent Director |
Mr. M Karunakaran, Member | CEO & Whole-time Director |
Risk Management Committee
The role of the Risk Management Committee, in brief, is to review the Risk Management Policy developed by the Management, risk management framework and its implementation thereby ensuring that an effective risk management system is in place.
Name of Member | Category |
Mr. L Ramkumar, Chairperson | Independent Director |
Mr. Mukesh Ahuja, Member | Non-Independent Director |
Mr. M Karunakaran, Member | CEO & Whole-time Director |
Mr. Arun Venkatachalam, Member | Non-Independent Director |
Corporate Social Responsibility Committee
The role of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee is
(a) to formulate and recommend to the Board a Corporate Social Responsibility Policy indicating the activities to be undertaken by the Company as specified under Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013;
(b) to recommend the amount of expenditure to be incurred on the activities; and
(c) to monitor the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of the Company, from time to time.
Name of Member | Category |
Mr. S K Sundararaman, Chairperson | Independent Director |
Mr. M A M Arunachalam, Member | Non-Independent Director |
Mr. M Karunakaran, Member | CEO & Whole-time Director |